Colter & Autumn

August 15, 2020

"Colter spent hours carving “be my gf” in a tree 6 years ago and I’ve been swooning ever since. From high school sweethearts to planning a wedding together, we’ve had 6 years filled of love, laughter, and so much fun. His sense of humor and his appreciation of the simple things in life are what I love the most, but it doesn’t hurt that he’s good looking too. We are both somewhat “old souls” and I have found whom my old soul loves."

- Autumn (Bride)

"During this engagement session, I remember thinking the cows were the loudest I had ever heard. I told them that they really add to a romantic atmosphere. The rest of the time was spent laughing and kissing. No kisses for me though! But I do think those cows would have been friendly enough to oblige had I wanted their affections. When it’s someone’s estate, I am walking in not knowing what to expect or where to shoot. This property was beautiful in every way. There were numerous locations and I was in a photographer’s dream! It was easy to pose Autumn and Colter. There were no complaints when asking them to hold hands, smile, or make out in front of their photographer. Always a good sign! I am looking forward to their wedding in August! "

-Shelby (Photographer)